@dareios87 If you add a friend message, send a message with your name dareios87
@dareios87 Try searching for these two lxy963 or 07666395. If you can find them, they are my dis
@dareios87 Yes, it still can't be started by pressing the combination key..ReloadKeyBinding=Insert I changed it to this. Do you have any social software? Can I add you as a friend? Thank you
@Uncle Cheezmo Fuck you, did I ask you? Why are you such a bitch?
@dareios87 I don't know how to express it. Many players can run it normally, but my game can't
I am very grateful for the author's update and fix === I have updated all the configurations to the latest version 1.1 The script still cannot run - I don't know what went wrong with the game itself. I gave up
@WolfFire23309 After installing OIV, the game crashed. I have changed the Gameconfig.xml to the most modified version. The game was also installed in the 1.70.3411 mods folder with 0 modules.
@dareios87 How did you do this? What is your version of the game?
@votrinhan88 I checked the game path and there is no /gangModData?
Can all players in the comments run this script normally?