  • 4df7eb avatar4x4

    @Bskbsk this was a good tool at one time, but now it hasn't seen an update in 8 years. Not the mods fault you didn't take precautions.

  • 4df7eb avatar4x4

    @Zemanez to big for pastebin, https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnVGTP5W1Lh2grdYkH5v-ftVYeltRg?e=6pc9vB
    In regards to the weapon spawn, so if I spawn all weapons, it crashes. However, I can spawn any individual weapons but there's a catch, in 95% of cases the gun will spawn for a second and I may be able to get around or two off but then the weapon disables itself and defaults back to my last known fully spawnable weapon.

    As for the "entity pool" in regards to vehicles, could you be a bit more specific?

    Since you inherited the project, is the source code, current or dated, available as that would help me understand how different things work?

  • 4df7eb avatar4x4

    @Zemanez I grabbed an ENT log and RPH log of the weapons crash. Would you like me to PM it to you?

  • 4df7eb avatar4x4

    @Zemanez when you go in to spawn vehicles and choose emergency, is there a certain files that ENT reads to compile that list? My spawn list shows me a ton of vehicles that I have not installed models for. For example, it lists units like CAMPUS1, CAMPUS2, but I have not installed any Campus police dept vehicles.

    Also, as far as weapons go, I noticed StopThePed has a function for "realistic weapons" so I thought maybe that was causing it but I disabled that and same thing. I will try to recreate the error later and grab a log for it so we can try to get a better idea of what's going.

  • 4df7eb avatar4x4

    @TheMaybeast DLs is crashing when I spawn certain vehicles. Would you like my RPH log? Would you mind PMing me so I can send you the log. TIA!

  • 4df7eb avatar4x4

    @declan23 all cars or certain cars?

    @ikt I have several police car dlc and add on packs installed and I want to keep them as active units available for call out for AI assistance and patrols, but I don't want certain ones to show in the menu here. Is this some how possible?

  • 4df7eb avatar4x4

    @Slash_Alex nope, I am up to date. Possibly related to one of the 3d/color weapon map mods that I have installed?

  • 4df7eb avatar4x4

    If we select the option to auto-load weapons at the start, what file does it modify? I believe it's causing a crash to desktop and even if I replace all the files for ENT, it still crashes my game.

  • 4df7eb avatar4x4