@Yoda4P Hey man love this mod! I've got it working perfect for all the default vehicles and i figured out how to edit any that don't match my setup. My question is how do I use this to modify car addon names... I know it says you can but I don't see the instructions.
Hey so just wanted to comment that this packs is really impressive and I had no issues with installing and getting the names to work. I am having issues with the story missions though. Any mission that involves a car seems to have issues. Bad clipping, weird animations where the doors fly in circles during the first Franklin mission cut scenes. Most of this goes away, after you start driving and then things are good. But a few things that have really broken the game for me so far are. Pulling favors... the tow truck that you replaced is way longer and clips into the wall behind it in the mission. This instant fails the mission as soon as you get in. If you retry it then you can't get the hook off the wall its clipping through. I had to use trainer to port to a way point to finish the mission. Another annoying one was the Beverly freaks missions where you need to take video of the angry angry girl while she chases you. The whole scene glitched out and you couldn't see anything due to the vehicle design replacement. Would be awesome if you could find a way to not replace story vehicles but not sure that would be possible. A shorter model tow truck would have fixed the first issue. But im only at the first of the game... not really sure how many other spots I'll find.