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    Love the mod,keep up the good work.if you feel like i in your free time would love to see the thundercats sword of omens with emissive logo if possible.

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    @nm710 Yeah it looks like julio is off to a great start it will be interesting to see how he does the powers,i was thinking it should have a power wheel similar to yours with the six stones each having its own power.your mod made me think of a thanos mod with your power wheel and the different powers the kinetic power in itself being similar to the mind stone and the black hole could be similar to the power stone.with your mod just adding the stone colors to the powers would be awesome.since julio is doing thanos maybe a cable mod wouldnt be to hard for ya,just a thought.

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    @hoanglong I just seen the script mod on patreon that is being worked on so far they have just one ability done.looks like its gonna be a good mod it will be interesting to see what six ability's the mod will have based on the stones,Looks good though so far

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    @nm710 Cool i know whatever you do is gonna be great, look forward to your future mods.

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    @hoanglong Thanks for theinfo Im looking on there now.

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    Awesome mod! the other day i was playing with the thanos ped and i was searching for a good mod to use with him.This was the closets as some of the powers are similar to the infinity stones such as the freeze time and black hole.I dont know if you have time but a thanos mod similar to this would be great.

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    This is a great Mod I would love to see Nibiru and maybe a sun surface in 1.1. if somehow those scenory's can be spawned using a trainer instead of the OIV method, But none the less this is a great mod with limitless potential.
