@ImNotMentaL finally figure it out
Question, my characters stuff is disappearing for example michales house the bed is missing and for Franklin all the items in his room are also missing it’s like he just moved in or soemthing very weird I looked up to see if people were having similar problems and they said to edit the BennysMotorworks.xml and change the Unload online map to True but I can’t seem to figure out how to do that I have it open in OpenIv right now but I can’t seem to change anything, any help would be greatly appreciated
Made a lil video using this mod if anyone wants to check it out !
Made a video on this if anyone wants to watch it
Made a video showing off this mod if any of y’all interested to see what it’s like in Good Quality https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=78S4xi6-tLU&t=66s
@perese1 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sqXGc5OWePg&t=4s it’s right here if you wanna check it out appreciate the thumbnail my brother!
Hey @perese1 would it be alright if I used your pictures for a YouTube thumbnail I’m making a video on this mod?