@eshenk Yep, I got it all working thanks! Looking forward to more
Thanks for your help on Discord yesterday Reyser, I was able to merge together a whole bunch of texture mods. Feels a lot better having them all in one, was getting worried about running into issues. These premade folders are a huge help, cheers!
Great mod @eshenk, love it!! Which mod are you using that shows your location next to the minimap in your screenshots? looks interesting.
Thanks man!
@ikt Correct, however, the quick save must be performed while sitting inside a vehicle. If it's done while on foot the issue will occur just as it does when you save at the bed in your safehouse.
I'm on the 5Mods discord server under the same name (working on creating my first released mod), drop me a message if there's anything I can do to help. Cheers!
@gta5testya Simple fix until the next version is released, download the previous version (1.3.6) above, extract it, and copy both the "Empty.png" and the ".png" files from the <ExtractedFolder>\LeFixSpeedo\Brands\ and paste it into your GTAVInstallFolder\LeFixSpeedo\Brands\ folder.
You shouldn't get any more crashes
One last note, if I quick save the game while sitting in a vehicle from my phone, quit, then launch the game again I don't have to disable/re-enable Manual Transmission in order to avoid a crash, the next vehicle I get into works properly. I also just had a look at the Gears.log, nothing abnormal in it after a crash (was testing loading in different ways), if you need any other files let me know, I put aside a fresh copy of everything after the crash. Thanks
@ikt Update:
I tried disabling ManualTransmission and then re-enabling it once inside a vehicle as you instructed above for @Zyle and it has completely fixed the issue, I am not receiving any more crashes when entering a vehicle. That's a very strange issue...
Also for the 'Missing ".png"' error, there are 2 vehicles in the "settingsBrands.ini" file with nothing added after the = sign, they are "HELLFURY" and "SEASPARROW". I added "Empty" after these names and it did fix that crash (I have added in the proper Empty.png file already). I think there may have been a couple more of the new vehicles with that error, if I come across them I'll post another update. So all is fixed now, and it's working great.
Thanks for your excellent mods!!
@Wanted188 They were pretty rare where I am too, I had the only one in town and saw maybe 3-4 others in the nearby city during the 10 years I drove it.
Everything works great, headlights pop up just like I remember, it even sounds just like the real thing! The only addition I could possibly want would be the one @ReNNie mentioned, it would be nice to be able to remove the "T-roof" panels (it's more of an H really, but they called it a T).
Anyways, thanks again for such an awesome mod, it's really well done!
Same issue as @extensity on my end too. Doesn't seem to matter what car it is, even Franklin's Buffalo crashes the game if ManualTransmission is enabled. My log file for the speedometer ends abruptly at "Found function [MT_LookingBack]" as well (it's identical to what was pasted above), then in ScriptHookV.log it says:
"CORE: An exception occurred while executing 'LeFixSpeedo.asi' (0x00007FFB0706F450), id 37"
Here's the full log of me going from Franklin's mansion front door to the Buffalo and trying to enter it:
I also had the missing "empty.png" error, and a missing ".png" error while spawning some of the new vehicles from multiplayer (using Simple Trainer V), but they were easy enough to fix.
Hope that log helps you narrow down the issue! Cheers
Thanks for the excellent mod @sjaak327 !! Works perfectly