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    Is this mod meant for the Enhanced Gta version?.... Cause I have tried it but there are no different sayings, I Installed the five parts. I have been looking for a mod like this for a long time, so I do like the idea of it but unfortunately, I do not hear any different sayings. Could you make a video on this mod?

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    @sjaak327 Do the custom showers work in other maps like LCPP?

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    It works on my end, my trainerV Defaults looks something like this...
    EnabledOnStartup=1 //Trainer Enabled on Game Startup Default 1
    LCEnabled=1 //LCEnabled Enabled on Game Startup Default 1
    LCSwap=1 //LCSwap Enabled on Game Startup Default 1
    MenuColor1=255 //Color for menu text, RGB system Red Component Default 255
    MenuColor2=255 //Color for menu text, RGB system Green Component Default 255
    MenuColor3=255 //Color for menu text, RGB system Blue Component Default 255
    Menu=25 //Used Internally by trainer

    And the teleports to Liberty city and Los santos works as @sjaak327 said

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    @BabaYaga99 I appreciate this. I tried Method 1 and it worked. I wasn't going to attempt method 2 anyway cause I've been replacing some of the cars in there. I can also see you took your time to notice the conflict between lcpp cars and 5real traffic and how it affects simple trainer, so thank you cause it would have taken me a lot longer to notice that.

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    Anyone else here using both 5real and LCPP but simple trainer crashes at startup?...... with this error SCRIPT HOOK V ERROR
    CORE: An exception occurred while executing 'TrainerV.asi"
    (0x00007FFCC6C88A10), id 42
    Press OK to continue
    I've tried the gameconfig solutions that @sjaak327 offered but those gameconfigs dont work (they crash the game at startup).... also tried the "LCEnabled=1 and LCSwap=1" at defaults section solution but that also doesnt work. Anyone with a solution for this?...I have not used this script for a while now

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    @Gborge98 Were you able to find a fix for the trainerV crash during startup?... I'm still getting that script crash error
    This is after installing the Liberty city Preservation mod
    Even after adding this line (LCEnabled=1 and LCSwap=1) in the trainerV ini config in the default section

    Anyone who can help me with this? My simple trainer crashes during loading screen and I get an error message

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    @GogetaSsj4 does his script work on nightly script hook v dot net?

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    can this work on addon peds?

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    @sjaak327 will you implement a custom "sleep on any bed" feature in future or has it already been implemented?

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    @sjaak327 Thanks so much for the custom showers feature. It was something I've been looking for. Now my character can take a shower in any of my custom MLOs
