  • 25de96 2782c1af0979b6b133ddb50a9279d7c1a8c24ed1 full

    Not working for me, strictly Script Hook not working.

    Help? I get to the loading story mode phase and then it crashes.

  • 25de96 2782c1af0979b6b133ddb50a9279d7c1a8c24ed1 full

    Anyone having problems loading saved online characters appearances? Mine are all glitched now and have invisible arms, chest, legs .etc and the mask is gone so it's just the characters face.

  • 25de96 2782c1af0979b6b133ddb50a9279d7c1a8c24ed1 full

    Can't get into online now.

    (Yes, I tried to uninstall by removing the mods folder it was installed into.)

  • 25de96 2782c1af0979b6b133ddb50a9279d7c1a8c24ed1 full

    I've got problems..

    1. I'm using a GTA Online Character Model I made and I saved with it and it loaded fine with the last update, but now it starts the game as the character but it spawns me in Micheals house as micheal now whenever I start up and I don't know how to fix it.
    2. I made customized guns and loadouts using the Give All command, but now when it switches to Micheal from my Character, I have to reset and remake all the customizations onto my weapons again. Any way you can fix 1 and 2 for me?
    3. Can't change weapons tints on any Vanilla weapons.

    I feel if you can get the update working properly like the last one without changing it from this version, my problems will be solved but I know that can't be done.

    Thanks for making this!!
