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    @Foxy BEST MOD EVER and it works well with skydome mods and moons ( so yea hugs ) all we need now is a rainbow when the rain goes away lol

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    I WAS RIGHT - installed the mod anddddd GTA 5 wont load had to remove it

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    @Sparky ggs if i was a modder ( and i aint) id fix it but like i said i aint a modder just a gamer sorry

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    @JMC_Mods thanx for that im gonna get the game done 100% then install the mod cuz i wanna focus on the game more 1st but il deffo install this after im done the story mode i promice 😘

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    question for @JMC_Mods will this mod work with all story missions etc in single player mode or is it best to install after i done story lease reply here i dont do reddit sites

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    @Leonps4 HD Visual Graphics© mod is broken DOES NOT WORK NO MORE - HOW TO FIX - uninstall openVI/Remove mods folder from gta 5 main folder / verify gta 5 game files ( it will reset the game to defalt) then FRESH install of OPENVI then reinstall the mods that DO WORK - WHAT EVER YOU DO DO NOT REDOWNLOAD INSTALL HD Visual Graphics© 1.4 mod or it will mess up openVI and you will have to reset everything again - ive reported the mod it needs to be taken down it dont work its broke and messed up my *******g open VI gta 5 mod installer

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    DO NOT USE THIS *******G MOD IT WILL MESS UP YOUR OPEN VI MOD INSTALLER PROGRAM - i had to uninstall openVI reinstall it and all my mods so if you use this HD Visual Graphics© 1.4 mod without reading this as a wearning then you is a stupid fool

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    @FlareXll i aint gonna bother with the mod no more too mcuh faffing baout getting it to work ( THIS POST IS NOW CLOSED)

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    @RampageDev please keep updating the game for legacy when you can because legacy version runs way better for me after i tryed running enhanced version that was slow FPS lol - and please add a back seat option for the chauffeur driven mode as well as front passenger seat if and when next legacy rampage trainer is updated

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    (( latest version didnt work for me i followed all steps CAREFULLY) so i downloaded the 1.0.4 version and its now working very well :)
