@HKH191 Hi! Thank you for update. But why so chip interior for 1420 Broker Avenue?
Hi, How can I disable some Property, like in SPA config? I don't needed in some house, and want to leave only 4.
@DSCADX I resolved it today. NativeUI need to be version 1.8, not 1.7. Very interesting mod. But I found some bugs. 1st. Have a problem with sitting to the car. Always not all NPCs can enter, one or two of them left outside. 2nd. When giving command go to waypoint, after little time driver gone be crazy. He don't use roads, instead of that he try to reach point in a straight line. Don't stop your work! All will be fine! 5 stars)
Something strange, but script don't work for me. I try to create new preset, press create new team, set name and that's all. After that I can do nothing. Please help to resolve.
@Slash_Alex , ok, I'll check it. Thank you.
Hi, Very strange, but some options don't work.
'Realistic Crashes' option
'Remember Wheel Angle' option
'Keep Engine Running' option.
All others works properly.
I have a problem with speed limit in new update. It was broken. For now i can't reach desired mximum speed, and don't matter, enabled Engine power multiplier or not. Only speed limiter may provide max speed 320 km/h, otherwise it will be limited via handling of the car.
HI, when I try to enter garage, my game crashes with error ERR_FILL_PACK_1. Maybe you know how I can I fix it?
Hi, why you remove interior color changer? I can't find it.
Hi, I can't find paint menu?