  • Df14ee indian dude

    @kwasekpo yep, from the looks of it, i can't pinpoint an exact version but it's gonna be a pre 2.6 version since it looks the shot gun wounds on the head are regular sized wounds as opposed to the bigger ones added in 2.6

  • Df14ee indian dude

    @MrBene i use NVE, basically install NVE first and all it's add-ons, and then install improvements in gore over it, though the spilling effect (which luckily is only optional) overwrites certain textures like fire/etc so if you want those i'd juse use the base improvements in gore .oiv.

  • Df14ee indian dude

    @ex4mple694201337 blood particles? tbh i've always had that issue too, sometimes might be related to graphics mods and in general GTA V's odd way of handling blood

  • Df14ee indian dude

    @DranMallyn there is a file in update/update.rpf/common/data/effects called bloodfx.dat, scroll down to where it says FIREARMS (Small, Med, etc) scroll to the right and you see a category that says fx_system, replace what's there with a - sign that way no blood spray effect is shown.

  • Df14ee indian dude

    @Sling Blade i'll see down the line about re-adding that, if not you can open the .OIV file with winrar/7zip/etc, the folders should be labeled in the .oiv to point where to installed

  • Df14ee indian dude

    @katoneba i haven't had time to look into the fivem version, i haven't actually used it before lol. i'll see about it one day, if not since the mod is "open-source" if someone wants to they can make a fivem patch as well

  • Df14ee indian dude

    @malthe1111 unfortunately as far as i'm aware blood effects and spilling effects mainly effect all peds, unless there is a string out there that allows me to control certain effects between peds and players (similar to scratches). if there is one i'd love to add it in since i know the sounds the spilling effect make (it's pretty much just the oil spill effect made red) can be annoying at times lol

  • Df14ee indian dude

    @Pavelthedrippy i think i may of removed that at one point during testing, i was originally thinking trying to get it put in fully with the mod but the weird issue with blood pools and player getting also having the spilling effect made me keep it as beta feature.

  • Df14ee indian dude

    @Fredo28347 you should be able to install an older version over the current one without the uninstaller, there it's been the same few files being undated for peddamage and decals since i think version 2.0

  • Df14ee indian dude

    @Chosen4630 i will see about that, i don't use fiveM so i'll have to figure out to get compatibility on that
