not sure if its my game going nuts but when installing this just instantly gose into not responding when opening game even after i remved it still does reverify game then works again but installing it again just causes the same problem
ok so i found a working solution i had a little modified scripthookv dot net a few versions back on gta and found the old backup of my gta and took the scriphookvdot net from there and no crash and wheel mod works somehow il put this link here of my files if anyone wanto test if it works on ures too : https://www.mediafire.com/file/1cfgaixxkso5amm/Wheel_Turn_back_mod_Albertus.rar/file
this did work fine until the last update came out cannot get it to work unfortunatly it did work with older scripthookv dot net but game seems to crash using older versions of those and wheel mod didnt work on latest version
for some reason if i try to accelarate the vehicle with this sound on it crahses for some reason
@indianaliam1 same i whanted to use it idk how to open it still have no clue its old menu but has features that none of my other mods have and idk how
@Suzeta24 you must update your game
wow the car looks horible with that grapics
@Bubi what
why doesnt it float
can it fly auto pilot while in the back