I cant wait to play this mod! Thanks so much!
@the gta modder Oh great! thanks man.. Of course I will try it and if you let me I will upload a video for that.
@the gta modder Sure no problem , whenever you can will be awesome! thanks so much!
@the gta modder Yes correct, so it can be used as in a heist, naturally and it is more fun that way. Thank you so much for your response.
That is a good mod... I was just wondering why to have Franklin inside the Weapon Room. The Key does not show in the game like in the video, but I can open the door with EAI I have installed. I just would like to recommend to move the gold tables in the right way facing the " player" since there is other mod I use, to be able to get the gold.
thank you for sharing and keep it up!
@Venoxity Thank you so much for clarifying and no problem. You made a great mod and I am really happy with it. I was just wondering in case I had missed something but this is awesome! thanks again.
Hey, This mod is just awesome! I just would like to ask, are the Pause Menu map and the Radar only for "Los Santos" or there is any option to make it for "Los Angeles" (L.A). I used the Jason file for LA but it only updated the subtitle names, roads, streets etc... as the real L.A but the mini map and the pause menu maps are still as the L.S names. ( The satellite map is incredible by the way)