Ultimate Teleport Menu [FINAL]
A Teleport Menu i made using MAFINS base and getting some help from ASB-Mods.
Final Update is V4, i might add some more teleports but i think these are all the teleports so i might if there are some places i can add.
Features -
More Than 100 Teleports
8 Killer Easter Eggs
Settings Menu - Lets you change the layout of the menu
26 Spaceship Parts - Having problems getting coordinates of the last 24 so if someone could get them i will give credit to them and add it to the menu.
New in V4 - Big Update
Added 35 Stunt Jumps Credit goes to Flava0ne For the coords
I will add all 50 soon.
New in V3.5 - Small Update
Fixed Sub menu bugs where it doesnt load it.
New In V3 - Small
Added a few more Teleports
Better Layout -
Teleport Menu 1
Teleport Menu 2
Teleport Menu 3
Teleport Menu 4
Easter Eggs
New In V2.5 - Small
Added 6 Teleports -
North Yankton
Life Invader Office
Rekt Stilt House
Aircraft Carrier
Cargoship at Docks
Yacht at Beach
Credit To MAFINS For These Teleports Above.
New In V2 - Big Update
Added Around 50 More Teleports In Teleports Section Of Menu.
New In V1.5 - Small
New Opening Button F11
Added 26 Space Docker Parts [ Adding All 50 Soon ]
Known Bugs -
When you scroll up it goes to slot 65000 [Not Sure On How to Fix]
No other Bugs, If you find any Bugs please comment below.
Credits -
ISOFX [Me] - Creating Menu
MAFINS - For the Base
ASB-Mods - For some of the teleport coordinates
Installation -
1. Make sure you have ScriptHookV installed before installing this mod.
2. Put the .asi file into your GTA 5 Directory i.e. where GTA5.exe is located.
3. Play!
Controls -
Enter - 5
Up - 8
Down - 2
F11 To open Menu
Final Update is V4, i might add some more teleports but i think these are all the teleports so i might if there are some places i can add.
Features -
More Than 100 Teleports
8 Killer Easter Eggs
Settings Menu - Lets you change the layout of the menu
26 Spaceship Parts - Having problems getting coordinates of the last 24 so if someone could get them i will give credit to them and add it to the menu.
New in V4 - Big Update
Added 35 Stunt Jumps Credit goes to Flava0ne For the coords
I will add all 50 soon.
New in V3.5 - Small Update
Fixed Sub menu bugs where it doesnt load it.
New In V3 - Small
Added a few more Teleports
Better Layout -
Teleport Menu 1
Teleport Menu 2
Teleport Menu 3
Teleport Menu 4
Easter Eggs
New In V2.5 - Small
Added 6 Teleports -
North Yankton
Life Invader Office
Rekt Stilt House
Aircraft Carrier
Cargoship at Docks
Yacht at Beach
Credit To MAFINS For These Teleports Above.
New In V2 - Big Update
Added Around 50 More Teleports In Teleports Section Of Menu.
New In V1.5 - Small
New Opening Button F11
Added 26 Space Docker Parts [ Adding All 50 Soon ]
Known Bugs -
When you scroll up it goes to slot 65000 [Not Sure On How to Fix]
No other Bugs, If you find any Bugs please comment below.
Credits -
ISOFX [Me] - Creating Menu
MAFINS - For the Base
ASB-Mods - For some of the teleport coordinates
Installation -
1. Make sure you have ScriptHookV installed before installing this mod.
2. Put the .asi file into your GTA 5 Directory i.e. where GTA5.exe is located.
3. Play!
Controls -
Enter - 5
Up - 8
Down - 2
F11 To open Menu
首次上传时间: 2015年5月14日
最后更新时间: 2015年5月17日
最后下载: 2小时前
More mods by ISOFX:

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A Teleport Menu i made using MAFINS base and getting some help from ASB-Mods.
Final Update is V4, i might add some more teleports but i think these are all the teleports so i might if there are some places i can add.
Features -
More Than 100 Teleports
8 Killer Easter Eggs
Settings Menu - Lets you change the layout of the menu
26 Spaceship Parts - Having problems getting coordinates of the last 24 so if someone could get them i will give credit to them and add it to the menu.
New in V4 - Big Update
Added 35 Stunt Jumps Credit goes to Flava0ne For the coords
I will add all 50 soon.
New in V3.5 - Small Update
Fixed Sub menu bugs where it doesnt load it.
New In V3 - Small
Added a few more Teleports
Better Layout -
Teleport Menu 1
Teleport Menu 2
Teleport Menu 3
Teleport Menu 4
Easter Eggs
New In V2.5 - Small
Added 6 Teleports -
North Yankton
Life Invader Office
Rekt Stilt House
Aircraft Carrier
Cargoship at Docks
Yacht at Beach
Credit To MAFINS For These Teleports Above.
New In V2 - Big Update
Added Around 50 More Teleports In Teleports Section Of Menu.
New In V1.5 - Small
New Opening Button F11
Added 26 Space Docker Parts [ Adding All 50 Soon ]
Known Bugs -
When you scroll up it goes to slot 65000 [Not Sure On How to Fix]
No other Bugs, If you find any Bugs please comment below.
Credits -
ISOFX [Me] - Creating Menu
MAFINS - For the Base
ASB-Mods - For some of the teleport coordinates
Installation -
1. Make sure you have ScriptHookV installed before installing this mod.
2. Put the .asi file into your GTA 5 Directory i.e. where GTA5.exe is located.
3. Play!
Controls -
Enter - 5
Up - 8
Down - 2
F11 To open Menu
Final Update is V4, i might add some more teleports but i think these are all the teleports so i might if there are some places i can add.
Features -
More Than 100 Teleports
8 Killer Easter Eggs
Settings Menu - Lets you change the layout of the menu
26 Spaceship Parts - Having problems getting coordinates of the last 24 so if someone could get them i will give credit to them and add it to the menu.
New in V4 - Big Update
Added 35 Stunt Jumps Credit goes to Flava0ne For the coords
I will add all 50 soon.
New in V3.5 - Small Update
Fixed Sub menu bugs where it doesnt load it.
New In V3 - Small
Added a few more Teleports
Better Layout -
Teleport Menu 1
Teleport Menu 2
Teleport Menu 3
Teleport Menu 4
Easter Eggs
New In V2.5 - Small
Added 6 Teleports -
North Yankton
Life Invader Office
Rekt Stilt House
Aircraft Carrier
Cargoship at Docks
Yacht at Beach
Credit To MAFINS For These Teleports Above.
New In V2 - Big Update
Added Around 50 More Teleports In Teleports Section Of Menu.
New In V1.5 - Small
New Opening Button F11
Added 26 Space Docker Parts [ Adding All 50 Soon ]
Known Bugs -
When you scroll up it goes to slot 65000 [Not Sure On How to Fix]
No other Bugs, If you find any Bugs please comment below.
Credits -
ISOFX [Me] - Creating Menu
MAFINS - For the Base
ASB-Mods - For some of the teleport coordinates
Installation -
1. Make sure you have ScriptHookV installed before installing this mod.
2. Put the .asi file into your GTA 5 Directory i.e. where GTA5.exe is located.
3. Play!
Controls -
Enter - 5
Up - 8
Down - 2
F11 To open Menu
首次上传时间: 2015年5月14日
最后更新时间: 2015年5月17日
最后下载: 2小时前
This might seem silly how do i close the menu??
@LiamP lol, you press 0 on the number pad to go back in a menu and close it if your on the main menu. :)
@ISOFX I was able to get the rest of the remaining Stunt Jump Coordinates using the other Show Coordinates script. Let me know if haven't already added them to this version and I'll send them over to you.
@Flava0ne I don't want to finish this with everything because I think it's a waste of time but I use released a police radio mod its on the front page of the scripts mods.
@MAFINS Fuck outta here
@ISOFX ohhh man I just realized its you from the gtaforums great menu and thanks for helping me with my ipls again
@L3gendaryGamers No problem :)
@ISOFX hey man just wanna let you know theres a slight bug when using a controller in game you can open the menu with LB and RB which can kind of get in the way the driving a car and shooting, also a great thing to add which would perfect the mod for me and a few others would be adding a .ini file, other than this absolutly love the mod
@elra exactly what I was going to write
Great mod. Also can you change the activation key as F11 is the key to activate the Vehicle Cannon mod.
Is teleporting to the Heist Yacht and Aircraft carrier possible in story mode?
@Leo2301 Not in this mod no, but in the Maps section search through it and you can find it in there for story mode. :)
How do you make these please?
@InfiniteXI Do you still need some help? sorry i didnt reply. do this next time: @ISOFX
add me on skype: isofxyt
@ISOFX hey dude I'm in Guadmaz servers how do you get that Rockstar Verified in ur name in GTA Cooperative Multiplayer? Plz reply asap
Nice mod. But it would be really good if you could add a quick scroll function where you can go quickly down the list by holding the key.
Please add some hotkeys (*)teleport to waypoint, (-)teleport to next target, (/)teleport to last used vehicle
Doesnt work asshole
how do u find the gta exe ive been rtying to find but i couldnt
Судя по картинкам, этот мод не умеет телепортировать туда, куда хочет игрок. То есть, поставил метку н акарте и туда телепортироваля. А этого нет (судя по описанию и по картинкам). И это позорище.
Judging by the pictures, this mod does not know how to teleport to where the player wants. That is, he put a mark on the map and teleported there. And this is not (judging by the description and the pictures). And this is a disgrace.