
EMS Mod 0.8.6



Hi everybody!

Thanks for downloading my script!

Current Version: 0.8.6

In EMS Mod, you can choose between three kind of duty:
1) Paramedic-> get on your ambo and go to save lives in Los Santos City!
2) Medic-> you'll be called by Central in order to give first aid to patients. Decide later if you want to call for the EMS backup (it is mandatory if you start CPR!) or release the patient on scene!
3) Helicopter-> start your duty in one of the two main heliports of LS!

-Cardiac Arrest: reach asap the patient and treat him if you want to save his life!
-Unconscious person: a person has suddenly lost his consciousness. Medical treatment is needed as soon as possible!
-Vehicle accident: unfortunately somebody had a serious vehicle accident and he's waiting for your arrival!
-Trauma: treat an injured person and carry him/her to the hospital!
-Person shot: somebody was shot, rush to the scene, but wait for the police before
approaching the patient! Or, if you're bold enough, go and risk!
-Person with fever: Central reported a vomiting person with fever. Is it a severe infectious disease? Be careful!
-Transport: you only have to transport a person because him/her cannot go lonely to the hospital.
-Person hit by a car: somebody was hit by a car and now needs your assistance!
-Overdose/alcohol-induced coma: rush to the scene and check the vitals of someone who is in coma!
-Drunk person: check this person’s health and then transport him to the hospital.

Don't worry, I'm planning to add in the next future more callouts and features!

-ScriptHook (compiled with v1.0.877.1)
-ScriptHook V .NET
-latest NativeUI

It is very important for me to have all of my script issues reported with all the related details in order to let me fix them and make my mod better and better! Any info about the bug reporting can be found in the README.TXT file!

v 0.8.6 -Completely redefined “Go on duty” system! You can now choose the
hospital or Fire department where you want to spawn!
-Backup menu added: call EMS backup if you are on duty as a Medic in order to transport the patient to the hospital.
-Redefined dispatch system: now you will not be called for a cardiac arrest on the other side of the map! PS: dispatch system may not work properly when on duty as Helicopter responder in some areas of the map, refer to README for further details.
-Miscellaneous fixes and improvements.

v 0.8.5 -"Patient died. Coroner incoming." bug fixed.
- several bugs fixes and game improvements.
v. 0.8.4: -"Overdose/alcohol-induced coma" and "drunk person" callouts added.
-Partner: you can now have a partner and give him orders!
-Patient Menu: open this menu to obtain patient's history, to choose which treatment to do and so on!
-Now you can cancel a callout in any moment.
-Increased reality in several callouts.
v. 0.8.3: -A totally new menu thanks to NativeUI! NATIVEUI SUPPORT NEEDED.
-Enhanced realism during “Vehicle accident” callout.
-Other treatments added.
-Enhanced realism during CPR (with re-evaluation of vitals).
-Several bug fixes and improvements.
v. 0.8.2 : - Added Medic and Helicopter Rescuer.
-Several bug fixes and improvements.
v. 0.8: first release.

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首次上传时间: 2017年6月16日
最后更新时间: 2020年10月25日
最后下载: 5小时前

All Versions

 0.8.6 (current)

34,052次下载 , 62.0 KB

 0.8.5 Beta

1,571次下载 , 60.0 KB

 0.8.4 Beta

14,824次下载 , 61.0 KB
