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2,842次下载 , 2.0 KB 2016年12月04日
@Name_Surname i have tuning parts but i d´not come in the game in LSC
@CSQ574 I'm working on it
@CSQ574 but little free time
@name_surname wait a little bit the admin must acept the semi-final upadate and Then you can Download it and edit it the Tuning parts are now in the Game but there are Bugs
@Name_Surname i have tuning parts but i d´not come in the game in LSC
@CSQ574 I'm working on it
@CSQ574 but little free time
@name_surname wait a little bit the admin must acept the semi-final upadate and Then you can Download it and edit it the Tuning parts are now in the Game but there are Bugs