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    @jameschad Thanks for the advice, just had a test drive with a Banshee and everything seems fine! How come a full install of the mod will cause crashes when starting the game?

    @Killatomate As I already mentioned a while ago: I only bought the game because I knew your mod would fix the driving physics - just donated, no matter if development will continue or not. Thanks for your great work!

    @everyone Any recommendations for how I can prevent Steam from updating the game?

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    @Lukez3218 Updating OpenIV to 2.9.2 did the trick. Thanks a lot for the tip - now GTA 5 driving is fun again!

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    First: Thanks for your amazing mod. I only bought GTA 5 for the PC because I knew that you made credible driving physics possible with your mod.

    Unfortunately, I just found out that GTA 5 will crash since the recent update (1.0.1290.1, from Dec 12, 2017).
    I can enter the main menu, click the button to start the story mode, but then the game crashes after a few seconds on the loading screen.

    The first error to be found in launcher.log says "HRESULT failed when doing m_device->Present(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) : 88760868" which unfortunately seems to be quite generic. The crash can only be prevented by deleting/renaming the file "mods/update/update.rpf" which disables the mod entirely.

    Is there any way that you can provide support? Please let me know if further log output or system information could help. Thank you!
