Needs work. It looks like a 4 door 2 door lol
@Streaz I wanna delete him haha
Not this trash rapper lol
I'm also having Texture issues
@GreenAid Ok thank you I will do. Keep up the good work!
Beautiful. Love the textures and and reflections. Really well put together. I'll download when I leave work. Is this a replace vehicle also?
@FighterPilot Would you happen to have the edited handling files and other files that you used to replace the buffalo2? I just wanna make sure I'm doing it right and learn from it.
@BKDeath2012 I'm a amateur lol
If possible can you have this replace the Huntley S, that would be great. Love the model. Keep up the good work
This is definitely something I've been wanting. Watching, Liked and Bookmarked