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    Just installed this and despite choosing the default "balanced" option with no army, I get the National guard appear at 4 stars and blow me to hell... is this a bug?
    game is fine if I uninstall this, tried several different configs now and always the same.

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    If I change the weather using the trainer does the weather ever change? or is it forever stuck on what i click? been raining for 10 in game days now after I used the trainer.

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    I keep getting the following error in the scripthook log

    [16:43:26] [ERROR] Failed to instantiate script 'mlgthatsme.GarageMod.SinglePlayerGarageScript' because constructor threw an exception:
    System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void GTA.UI.Notify(System.String)'.
    at mlgthatsme.GameHelper.LoadClassFromFile[T](String path, T fallback)
    at mlgthatsme.ScriptSettings.get_Instance()
    at mlgthatsme.GarageMod.SinglePlayerGarageScript..ctor()
    I have latest scripthook and scripthhook.net.
    All other mods work, just can't ever get this to work.
    Any ideas?

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    People need to learn some patience.
    The latest GTA5 update added some great cars and weapons, yes it is annoying that we can't use mods for a few days
    but in the bigger picture it isn;t a massive deal.
    Leave ALex alone and let him get on with updating this in his own time.

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    I have no problems installing any mods for GTAV...except this one.
    Nothing I do seems to enable it to work. I have latest Scripthook and ScripthookVdotnet.
    In my ScriptHookVDotNet log I get this error
    "Failed to load assembly 'SinglePlayerGarage.dll'"
    Anyone got any ideas how I fix this? This mod looks amazing and I am gutted I can't run it.
