Any chance on a non OIV package download at some point?
This will likely never see an update, like every other half assed mod from SithlordJosh
@P1P3L1N3 They don't die, they seize up, part of the meleeseizures script, bit buggy but mostly works.
@ZiPPO RAID Have you seen GTAV Realisms latest update? https://youtu.be/NoTfmrjiDro
Is it possible to make killing a cop not give an instant wanted level?
good stuff
Should changing this line be enough to lower the chance of seizures? I love them, but after emptying my M4 into a crowd there is then the issue of going through and executing the remaining 10+ seizuring screamers.
Random rand = new Random();
int chance = rand.Next(1, 1000); --# Changed this from 100 to 1000
if (chance <= 45)
Fucking awesome, exactly what I needed.
Doesn't seem to work for me. They fall over and then like, snap straight back to standing, not seeming to care that they have a 7.62mm round in their leg.
Is it possible to edit the weight of the player? I tried to do it myself but have no clue.
I just want it to fuck cars up a whole lot more when I fall on them from a height, or get hit by a car, or hit people with my car.
@HORIZONx720 Why? You can still download the mod from here.