If you download 5.4.2 it work with FiveM 😍😍😍
Ahh I know my mans hates hearing stuff about FiveM but boy do I hope it's eventually updated to work with the latest version. Feel I got screwed by the dude selling the server sided version on CFX... Doesn't even work 😭. I miss this one so much.
namespace {
bool FiveM = false;
Could this have something to do with FiveM Crashing on boot? Its in gears.asi > util > FileVersion.cpp
@RealLifePlayer3 Same issue here. Looking into a fix but unfortunately you'll have to remove "gears.asi" from your plugins for now. I'll update you if I find a fix.
@AbusiveNepNep need a new pc
nice job! Only request out of this mod is to be able to center the text on the plate but everything else is flawless
@soccermitchy No i didnt really pay attention! ill check it out? I eventually lag out of every lobby i am in
Great work. Too bad the other ones are outdated :(
@soccermitchy Every lobby ive ever been in or ever viewed on YouTube has a guy named RLD! in it
@watermelon de santa Load your recorder after the mod is already activated. I suggest using fraps or Dxtory
@JohnM If you're using RageHookPlugin, try launching From the GTA V Launcher itself and then use the mod. Rage Hook has some sort of way of causing maps not to load fully