@Galactic542 No, you need to place the updated hook V script and the V dot net 2.3 scripthook in the game's root directory, in the script folder you will place the two rescue mod files
@GalaticDude542 Yes it works, you need script hook dot net version 2.3 and script hook current version plus the mod
People, you need to install the SCRIPTHOOKDONET version 2.3
when I go to save the victim there is an animation error because when I go to the hospital she is not in the ambulance and she does not even get up from the ground, how do I solve this ?
@oldtimergamer6351 what command do you use to be able to return to the base in the mod firefighter in gta v ?
@oldtimergamer6351 what command do you use to be able to return to the base in the mod firefighter in gta v ?
@MrRobinson What do I need to dowload the mod fireman in my GTA V ?
@oldtimergamer6351 in Fireighter 2.8 mod ?
@MrRobinson I need the Script hook V and Script hook V NET in my GTA V ?
@oldtimergamer6351 Do you know any other mod for gta V firefighters?