Hey amazing mod :-). Could you create as next a new edition for the ingot? Thank you very much :-)
Hello, very nice Mod. Could you please create this Passat Variant as an Civil Version or as an Unmarked Police. Previous Thanks
1.echt geiles Taxi
2. Ich hätte eine frage, könnt ihr von dem Kripo Passat b7 eine Zivile version Erstellen (nicht als Service oder einsatzfahrzeug)
Hey TopMods könnt Ihr eine Zivile version erstellen von dem Passat (Kein Einsatzfahrzeug) Danke
@Gta5KoRn do you convert your models or do you create a model of
@Gta5KoRn Hello do I got a question do you create your mod by yourself I ask because I have a wish for a GTA 5 Addon Car. You make great mods thats the reason why I ask you. Thanks for your answer
Hi is it possible to make a civilian golf MK 6 Variant Thanks a lot
Hello is it possible to make this as a Stock car (no police or emergency) thanks for your help.
Amazing mod!!:) A got a Quastion could you pleace create a VW Golf MK6 Variant (wagon) because I have this Car by myself.please!
Thank you verry much!!!:-))))