Warning! 7ZIP is necessary to open this recalcitrant archive !!! But at least it works, unlike winrar ...
It's good, problem solved, using 7ZIP ...
Indeed, the archive downloads, but I cannot open it ...
Okay, that would be the problem on my side, but then what can damage some downloads? In such a way that you can't even open the archive ...
Hello, the archive is damaged, so it cannot be opened ...
Hello, the archive is damaged, so it cannot be opened ...
Hello, the archive is damaged, so it cannot be opened ...
Bonjour, l'archive est endommager, est donc on ne peut rien en extraire... Cordialement...
Bonjour, l'archive est endommager, est donc on ne peut rien en extraire... Cordialement...
Bonjour, l'archive est endommager, est donc on ne peut rien en extraire... Cordialement...