Finally! I've been waiting for this one!
My advice. Try to also get it applied as lods so that they're visible from a distance. I'm down to contribute with you on this later on (on the fiveM side) if you need some help!
Thanks and Upvoted!
@EncryptedReality No problem. Good to know you're still checking your bug reports. Now onto the REAL QUESTIONS:
Do you plan on adding airports to any of your maps? (This one included)?
I didn't see an airport when I visited the windy city...and it'd be nice to fly there, ya know?
Looks great!
I fixed this. Those addresses are in fact Joaat hashes, and actually a result of hashing the names of the .ydr files and storing them within the ymap. I was able to fix this with a little bit of love!
Bug Report:
There are 5 unused ydr files in the directory described by miami_d3_7.ymap. They are as follows:
Not sure if they belong in the above ymap or if they should be in some other, but those files aren't being used by anything as far as I can see.
Hope this helps @EncryptedReality
@Br1tt If you're still looking, join Skylines - Im there pretty much every day;
Bruh them graphics are breaking my brain! Well done!
@InfamousSabre We ALL love to see* It's a shame they never came back and updated their work despite all the cashgrab updates!
Shoutout Skyline! This is an immediate bangar, and a great Quality of life improvement to the aircraft in general! (For an added experience, feel free to check out my vanilla handling modifications!)
Justice for Harambe goes hardasf