I just uninstalled it and I'm still crashing when I start the game.
My game won't launch after I installed this and rage hook
Everyone who's getting crashes.. Download the newest version of ScriptHookDotNet. It's what was causing crashes..
Also @jedijosh920 could you add the ability to disable grab time? Or a option for permanent grabbing? I wish I could just hold on until I let go of space but I keep falling off..
I'm having the same problem as @OlegTemple ... I'm gonna check if I have an out of date scripthook version or something.
@jedijosh920 Now that euphoria has been updated and you've released your player euphoria script do you think you'll be adding back gun pointing?
I like to think RAiDER is always just shouting at the top of his voice! Haha.
@Guadmaz Do you think you'd add the feature to point your gun while grabbing?
@jedijosh920 Didn't realise scripthook got updated... :I But it's working now. Thank's!
@Guadmaz Forgot to use the @ system.
A bunch of euphoria mods got updated.. But none of them work? Pushiv and this don't work?