no effort crappy rebadge
looks like a rebadge
I suggest not writing the vehicle.meta lines in pdf because it breaks a lot of lines and result in having errors while saving. Maybe write the them in notepad would be better, hell just use notepad for everything
@Tiddy my mistake then, lemme rephrase what i said
I wish the Riata S was based on the Bronco Sport because having 2 Riata model trim with nothing to differentiate them , besides from a slight engine sound change, is kinda worthless since they have the same modkit, so i would always go for the TX one anyway and no point of using the S one since they have the same customization
wish the Riata S had a more distinctive look to the TX version, since it is based on the Bronco Sport, but solid mod
your 1.0 file did not provide the global.gtx2 for nightride fm and afterglow fm's global.gtx2 does not change the radio name
first of all, the other guy already mentioned this isn't the gt3 kit, it's a bodykit made by 777performance
second of all, i think your choice of wheels is atrocious
@ChevPr0t0_ so it's not gt3
definitely not a gt3 kit, this some low budget kit made by somebody else
@RooST4R nice work mr. cock