Will someone create a replace method? I find it a lot better replacing the banshee rather than adding it to the game
@Sm00thOps lol lol lolool and his name is JOOOOHN CENAAA
what's to the right of the letter U? all i see is purple
There are 3 sirens for the fire truck. one being the wail(main siren), the other one being the yelp siren(secondary siren), but there isn't and option to change the third one siren on the fire truck. what is the name of the file for the third siren?
Nice job, dude:) Thanks for these loading screens.
Is there a tutorial on how to convert GTA IV car models to GTA V? If so, can you provide a link? If not, can you make a tutorial?
@AntounSawires I tried adding a light bar to a custom car I converted from GTA IV, but it parts of the vehicle were misplaced and glitched super bad. The doors would turn with the wheels, the light bar would disappear and and reappear. Any help? I agree with @AwsomeAnonymus about showing us how to add a light bar to normal vehicles. Thanks for any future replies.
I was waiting for someone to do this. This is great, man. Good Job! Hope to see more amazing content.
For some odd reason, f7 doesn't seem to work. this is my GTA V directory: http://prntscr.com/88ytxs http://prntscr.com/88yu0a