Very nice mod, gonna do mod about it, can't wait for some more features, and bug fixes, also please make the plate editable :)
Nie ma to jak siedziec do 3 w nocy i robic video o Maluchu :D / Nothing is better than staying late at night, and making video about this classic Polish car :D
Mam nadzieje, ze naprawisz drzwi i malowanie, popraw tez wnetrze :) / I hope you will fix painting the car, opening doors, and that you will work a little with interior :)
@qadras thanks man c:
https://youtu.be/2jNtfKFWqjQ I made a video finally :D hope u will add it here c:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCpBnP6QAIs I made a video about this modifcation (sent u message on SC too) if you could add this to the post I would be super thankfull :D