Does this actually make the missile head toward the flares or does it just make the missile disappear like that other mod?
@SkylineGTRFreak Isn't the Bell 412 a military chopper? My country's air force is using them as a CUH.
I see Berkut, release Berkut nao.
Has LODs?
@SkylineGTRFreak Asking again because you may not have seen my first. How's the progress for the destroyer? It has been quite a while since that blog post and it seems it isn't being developed anymore.
@FC_Skrillex Please explain why the NVA still used Soviet T-34s who, like the Shermans, were also too weak to face AT weapons in 1960 and can and was destroyed by the Tiger H1 with just one shot.
Very nice and the addition of a working MG makes it even better. Btw when will you release the destroyer you were working on? It seems that it has taken a backseat in your priorities.
@Venom V If you meant that Hideo Kojima was the one who started the term FOB, then you are wrong. The term FOB(Forward Operating Base) has been in military use far longer before the creation of Hideo Kojima and it was an unofficial term during WW2 and became an official term post-WW2 and is very common in mobile warfare.