@xXcalvin54Xx I understand friend, sorry I didn't mean to bother, I just liked the mod a lot and I thought maybe it could be improved. but what you said about everything that has to be done for it to work correctly, I think it's better to have it like this.
@xXcalvin54Xx I understand, it would still be difficult, right?
I don't know what to tell you, the mod is incredible but with so many errors, it took away the pleasure. I hope you can repair those mistakes my brother.
Ask the profile what they recommend, they created the mod that replaces Trevor with Dante, and it is super functional.
@xXcalvin54Xx Hmmm, could you try some kind of compatibility with Franklin's clothes?
I'm not a modernist but I think it would be an easier path.
@xXcalvin54Xx the torso, do you mean the bare chest?
It's just that it seems unrealistic that he doesn't wear any of the clothes from the story, because he even puts on a pig mask when you do certain missions where Franklin wore a flock or a helmet.
You should ask (@alex189 & saldin93) for advice on improving the mod
@xXcalvin54Xx I understand, but... because invisible clothes keep appearing to me in missions and he doesn't move his lips either, he only does it when it's a conversation outside of the cinematics.
@xXcalvin54Xx If you download the file with the links, but I mean there are 4 possible links, two marked as the first part and two marked as the second part.
Which of the 4 should I download to correct the errors?
Friend, your mod beats many others without a doubt, you could make a replacement for Franklin, and add CJ with everything and your good designs, so that he moves his lips and everything.
There is a mod that does it, it even adds CJ's voice but the design is somewhat simple and has many errors.
great mod friend, I have a question
What is the link, where is the file that corrects the errors?