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    I have the Problem, when i change the file my games just updates and replace it with the original again.Can someone help me? Otherwise this looks extremly cool

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    i have the following problem...i just deleted my common ordner in the rpf. ordner and no i have no idea how i can start gta again :/ i become now always the Error err gfx d3d reboot or reinstall. Can someone help me ? I made a new Ordner with the Data from this mod in it but this error still appears. :(

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    oh yeah... i mean trains1.dat and ofc i'm using OpenIv but it will still be replaced...

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    Hey i have no idea what i'm doing wrong maybe u can help me.
    First i replace the Files (Trains.xml/Trains1.xml) then i rebuild the rebuild the archieve. Then i start the Game but always my game wants to download something and change the files back. I'm using Rockstar.


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    @Walter Hey :) i have a problem. Every time i replace the files and start the game it load down an update. (Playing with Rockstar Games not Steam) do you have an idea what the problem is? Btw really nice Mod ! :)

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    Thanks for your answer, but i just tried to run the game with the openIV. I really have no idea what i did wrong or something. (Maybe i'm just blind because it's the first time i try to play a mod with openiv)

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    Hello, i have a huge problem.
    If i try to install the game (i replace the file and rebuild the archive) Now if i try to start the Game Rockstar says i need to download a few mb (54,98gb of 55gb is already downloaded) and if i start the game now the trains are still the same. Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
