  • Gtav76

    @mcshithead Ok. That's why these files are the perfect recipe for malware. They let you know in advance that there will be a false positive so you don't have to worry. In passing, anti-virus and other similar software don't scan for malicious code. I've done this test myself, created an exe that has delete and format commands and they will fly through Virus Total or whatever you use with flying colours because they only scan for mainstream viruses that have been out for months, years, or decades.

  • Gtav76

    @mcshithead Lol. I'm guessing at what files you put, and if I'm right you never know what malicious code those files might contain. Anyway, hope it is fixed and safely fixed.

  • Gtav76

    @mcshithead so what exactly was your issue, and what was the solution? A crash in loading screen has nothing to do with "update required". The most common fix for a crash is a new gameconfig.xml or making sure you have the one for your version of the game.

  • Gtav76

    @mcshithead I don't know what your issue is. This mod has nothing to do with the latest launcher updates. If you want to play reverted but can't the solution is very simple. First you let the game update. Once updated you copy GTA5.exe, the reverted version, to replace the updated one. Now you can play offline. After a few days R* will ask you to authenticate. To do this you need to go online and to avoid the update message you need to reverse the process and this time you swap the new GTA5.exe to replace the old one. You then authenticate online, quit your game, revert back, play offline.

  • Gtav76

    @bmw740il Good. I'm glad you found the error. And, yes, it makes sense it was something you modified. No change, no issues. Changes...potential issues.

  • Gtav76

    @bmw740il Hi.
    1. No, there isn't a theoretical limit to the number of lines or addons. Some modders easily have thousands of addons in dlclist.xml. RAM, VRAM, RPF size, corrupt files, script conflicts, wrong gameconfig.xml - those are factors that crash a game.
    2. Dlclist.xml without any syntax errors. As I wrote before, when the forums were here, i saw many cases where the syntax looked wonderful but it was wrong despite Open 4 "approving" it.
    I don't know what your issue is and I'm not a gambling man, but my bet is 100% on your dlclist.xml as the starting point.

  • Gtav76

    @bmw740il As I've written in the past, doing remote troubleshooting is not ideal. From past experience, if adding 1 more mod crashes the game it is very likely you have a syntax error in your dlclist.xml. Assuming it's not the same mod that's crashing your game. There is also a very common misconception that Open 4 will give you precise error message when there is a syntax error with the dlclist.xml. Fact is that's untrue. Getting back to your issue:

    Make sure that all your tags are properly opened and closed. Don't mix cases. if you open with Item, close with Item, not item. If you want, post your dlclist.xml to pastebin and I'll take a look. When we had the forums we saw dozens of dlclist.xml errors causing crashes or other issues.

  • Gtav76

    @Vindicator12 Lol. Whenever you delete something from your mods folder by mistake, and it's a vanilla entity, you just replace it with the one from your game. If you delete something from your game by mistake, you do a verify integrity, or optionally, you use the one from your mods folder assuming it is untouched.

  • Gtav76

    @JoyLucien I have no idea which MLO you're talking about. You can create your MLO from scratch, you can use an addon creator mod, or you can take an existing MLO and use it as your template. As for being online, since the last update I'm offline and I can guarantee you that I can enable online maps while being offline. I've done this dozens of times without getting the forced update message from R* (which occurs on launch, not in game).

  • Gtav76

    I rarely look at the scripts section here and I only use my own simple scripts, but I watched your video and was really impressed. Fantastic job. Also wonderful to see how you share your source code with the community, even though no one here is remotely at your level of programming. So without installation, just on the basis of your video, amazing script.
