Just a quick question. Next update could you have an optional file that removes all the apartments except Eclipse Towers apartments/suites/garages. Some of us including me have a problem were all the icons added for the apartments and garages cause map markers to stop appearing as there is a hard coded amount aloud onscreen at a time. This includes quest markers.
This was great worked and was easy to install. "IMPORTANT" Anyone who installs this when you install make a copy of the folders and files you have to edit and put them in your "mods" folder added by OpenIV. If you don't you will be overwrighting base game files and have to delete and reinstall them in order to get rid of this mod.
Why is there an option to modify "last used mp character" in your "single player" menu?
Wow great job on this its awsome. Can't wait to see what you add next. Just hope you keep stomping out the bugs.
Great job on the mod it really made the world feel more alive.