  • Default

    [ERROR] Caught fatal unhandled exception: System.MissingFieldException: Field not found: 'HKHModHelperNew.Class1.PlayerCompanion_Block_SPH_Follow'.
    at SinglePlayerHeists.UtilsMisc.ManageBodyguards.Ontick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at SHVDN.Script.DoTick()

    [WARNING] Aborted script SinglePlayerHeists.UtilsMisc.ManageBodyguards.
    at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
    at System.Threading.Thread.Abort()
    at SHVDN.Script.Abort()
    at SHVDN.Script.DoTick()
    at SHVDN.Script.MainLoop()

    What is wrong do ineed another mod that stated in description?

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    stops working after playing for an extended period of time. and breaks when going through the story the most notable break so far is the first heist where Michael goes to Lester factory the first time Michaels car will despawn and mission will fail. to be fair the game do not crash tho. ez fix is just go f7 menu and turn off but still oof

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    mostly perfect only bugs that seems to keep happening are finishing the heist if you press any other button after cops are lost then the accept button prompt goes away and can't finish the "take" is still on screen and no buttons pressed gets rid of it and i don't keep the money :( . can it be changed to any button pressed or no buttons need pressed and after cops lost and player is out of building = heist complete. the other bug is the middle cell back trolley will sometimes not have the button prompt to begin the taking animation only the button prompt to speed up taking so instead of grabbing from trolley just stands there and shoot it instead xD. i don't now how to fix the other pick up spots work. can the heist be reset? after either cooldown peroid or type command to reset?

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    so i have some feedback the heist semi works its kind of unreliable because of loseing the cops at the end the button prompt to accept that you finished the hiest goes away if i press any other button meaning the "take" and how much i took are on screen forever and i have to reload to fix. is there a way to may it any button press that finishes or just finish automatic with no button press just as soon as cops lost please? next the icons for the safe deposit boxes do not go away after the heist can there be a way to clean up the heist after its done. as in get rid of the icons on the minimap and can the heist be reset to go again after like 30 days cooldown?
