  • Default

    Hello, thank you very much for the mod!
    I have 2 questions:

    is it possible to create a NO ARMY version?
    Can you increase the number of vehicles and reduce the despawn area?

    I think there are too few police cars in general that chase you.

  • Default

    Hello, I came across the mod through a lot of videos .. and actually find it cool. But I have some problems with the mod .. unfortunately.

    1. the game crashes for me after a certain time.
    2. I don't know if this is a bug. but if I choose * arcade no army * in the game settings. the army comes anyway. is it so common?
    3. The police system doesn't seem to be working properly either.
    the cars are just standing around. Only when I approach them do they follow me. or the police officers on foot remain at the place. where I was last.

    will this be fixed in the near future? .. I would love to play the mod properly.
