i spawn it and boom, crashing :((( anyone know the way to fix this
@WPC_2002 great help bro, thanks so much, you help me a lot
@GuyWhoLoves_A45_AMG i got same problem, when i spawn the jet, the trainer said couldn't load model, the name of the plane still show up on trainer but can't spawn :((
Hello Jimmyr, some bug happened, when i spawn amx-10cr and click F to enter vehicle, the game crash immediately, i try to lauch game again and spawn this vehicle and still crash, can you fix it man, this one is good but can't enter :((
Always the best ❤️
@SkylineGTRFreak i'm still waiting for your mi28N, i love this helicopter so much :>>
waiting for mi-28 :))))
@Civilian thank you so much, it's much help to me
@linhtinh94 me too, when i spawn by name with "abramsx", trainer said vehicle doesn't exist
i have this bug too, the heli have no paint, just steel and can't change heli paint with any trainer even meyoo, rampage