is there a way to decrease the amount of shootings? Every second block has a huge gang war going on lol
I always found it stupid how in an R rated game you couldn't name your videos with profanity lol. Thanks for fixing that feature :P
not bad, good size.
how do I get the shark to pop out of the water in the main picture??
@tung6902 well I was hopeless to begin with lol. The final nail in the coffin.
This might sound bloody stupid but if you can rip the models straight from the game, then can you import the map into GTA?
@Anton Jordan This map uses map builder, which doesn't work well with addonprops. So probably no.
@xokkanti I too *had* this problem. To save you from doing all the rambling that I did, reinstall map builder from the creator’s website, and in the dlclist.xml, make sure you put </Item>dlcpacks/mapbuilder/</Item> before </Item>dlcpacks/custommaps/</Item>
Hope that helps.
@ex0ztiV didn't realize that there was an invalid objects list.
The problem is, I have to go through all 6017 objects to update the invalid object list, and then delete it. But even then, since I run it off of mod manager, it will just re-add itself every time an invalid object is updated.
@bastoudu66 Do you mean the After Hours one? Yes, my script hook is updated, it's compatible with the new game version. I've tried disabling some of my mods (I run off of mod manager btw) and the problem still occurs. It's getting irritating, and I really want this map mod - it looks incredible! Such a shame I can't validate these models however.