
Auto Theft Mod v2


Modified Szabo's Auto Theft Mod.
ALL coding done by Szabo.

What it does:
+Adds missions to steal/repo cars for cash.
+Adds missions to steal Cargo from trucks, vans, ect for cash.
+Randomly spawns armed/unarmed ai in said cars or cargo vehicles

file can be edited to users desired modifications. text editor required. ie notepad++

1. added all cars + dlc cars : blocked boats + aircraft +
used Szabo's car shop mod to acquire car hashes.
2. tweaked the guns that will spawn on peds.
3. added a optional lower price reward file. to balance the spawn rate.
4. wanted level set to 1 star for stealing/repo.
5. "+" key enables/disables Mod.
5a. to change the enable/disable key modify this line:

local disablemodkey = 107

:in the szaboautotheft.lua file. change 107 to any of the numbers provided in the key.
open szaboautotheft.lua file with any text editor ie notepad++.

1. updated to work with LUA Plugin v10
2. added detailed instructions on how to change enable/disable key
3. changed support status see read me notes.
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首次上传时间: 2015年5月29日
最后更新时间: 2015年5月30日
最后下载: 2天前

All Versions

 v2 (current)

3,536次下载 , 33.0 KB
