
San Andreas Game Warden 1.10


Ever wanted to deal with illegal hunting? OR maybe dangerous animals? Now you got that jurisdiction with the San Andreas Game Wardens! Some people don't know this, but in many states game wardens have the most jurisdiction there is! So don't feel stuck with the boring ass park ranger where you patrol up and down the same roads 24/7, the Game Warden can go ANYWHERE! Even on water!

I'd suggest downloading "wilderness callouts" on LCPDFR.com, also, I'll be releasing a Tahoe, suburban, or maybe a bison skin.

If you need help installing, here you go.....
Ped files:
- "s_m_y" to \x64e.rpf\models\cdimages\componentpeds_s_m_y.rpf
- the file with _p at the end to \x64e.rpf\models\cdimages\pedprops.rpf
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首次上传时间: 2015年10月13日
最后更新时间: 2015年10月13日
最后下载: 9天前

All Versions

 1.10 (current)

756次下载 , 15.9 MB
