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6,122次下载 , 481.0 KB 2016年8月02日
Can someone please tell me how I can make my own clothes? I want to make Norwegian Police because I dont like those other has made :P
@Od1N it's so cool!!!!l like it very much!!!>>>http://chuantu.biz/t5/24/1470160323x2086643866.jpg
Very fresh
@yzhlzz Nice screenshot;)
@Od1N thanks!You can use it for your screenshot.
@Od1N it worked but the original jersey name and last name still there? why is that? BUG?
@MJ23KOBE24 select the jersey with a trainer
I installed it but the previous GTA jersey logos are over top of the Jordan jersey can someone help me
@PumkinBeast607 just delete the 'decl' file that's on top of the jersey
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Can someone please tell me how I can make my own clothes? I want to make Norwegian Police because I dont like those other has made :P
@Od1N it's so cool!!!!l like it very much!!!>>>http://chuantu.biz/t5/24/1470160323x2086643866.jpg
Very fresh
@yzhlzz Nice screenshot;)
@Od1N thanks!You can use it for your screenshot.
@Od1N it worked but the original jersey name and last name still there? why is that? BUG?
@MJ23KOBE24 select the jersey with a trainer
I installed it but the previous GTA jersey logos are over top of the Jordan jersey can someone help me
@PumkinBeast607 just delete the 'decl' file that's on top of the jersey
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