选择以下类别之一开始浏览最新的侠盗猎车手V PC模组:
438次下载 , 2.7 MB 2018年12月19日
rejected for not having ingame screenshots and no link to original model
@ReNNie its fixed
Please remove my model and re-upload with YTD
Can I ask why this file is labeled as "police" when it is obviously not?
@StiXx its a unmarked police car
@Emilg1234 Unmarked cars don't have anything written on the sides, ESPECIALLY not company names. Remove the company name and it'll be good.
@Swed1431 well we have done it difrent because we think its look more like a civillian car then
@Emilg1234 I understand that, however, a vehicle with lights that displays a company name isn’t going to be taken seriously if they’d ever actually perform a legal traffic stop. But you do you. The vehicle used is still nice tho.
@Swed1431 this vechiel will be used in spawning for like drug peopel and not that mutch of traffic stop bute i understand you :)
rejected for not having ingame screenshots and no link to original model
@ReNNie its fixed
Please remove my model and re-upload with YTD
Can I ask why this file is labeled as "police" when it is obviously not?
@StiXx its a unmarked police car
@Emilg1234 Unmarked cars don't have anything written on the sides, ESPECIALLY not company names. Remove the company name and it'll be good.
@Swed1431 well we have done it difrent because we think its look more like a civillian car then
@Emilg1234 I understand that, however, a vehicle with lights that displays a company name isn’t going to be taken seriously if they’d ever actually perform a legal traffic stop. But you do you. The vehicle used is still nice tho.
@Swed1431 this vechiel will be used in spawning for like drug peopel and not that mutch of traffic stop bute i understand you :)