2010 Sprinter Brandweer Cobra Cutters Team 1.0
Het Cobra-systeem is een koud snijdend hoge druk blussysteem dat van buitenaf wordt ingezet bij branden in moeilijk toegankelijke ruimten, zoals containers en scheepsruimten.
The Cobra system is a cold-cutting, high-pressure extinguishing system that is used from the outside for fires in areas that are difficult to access, such as containers and ship spaces.
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Hoe werkt het?
First download: Origineel Model
Replace my '.YTD' files with the old files
GTA IV Sprinter: BG88
GTA V Conversion: DyVerze
Accesoires and lights: DyVerze
Back Interior: Prio1Gaming
The Cobra system is a cold-cutting, high-pressure extinguishing system that is used from the outside for fires in areas that are difficult to access, such as containers and ship spaces.
Meer Info
Hoe werkt het?
First download: Origineel Model
Replace my '.YTD' files with the old files
GTA IV Sprinter: BG88
GTA V Conversion: DyVerze
Accesoires and lights: DyVerze
Back Interior: Prio1Gaming
首次上传时间: 2019年10月30日
最后更新时间: 2019年11月01日
最后下载: 1天前
More mods by padenuki:
Het Cobra-systeem is een koud snijdend hoge druk blussysteem dat van buitenaf wordt ingezet bij branden in moeilijk toegankelijke ruimten, zoals containers en scheepsruimten.
The Cobra system is a cold-cutting, high-pressure extinguishing system that is used from the outside for fires in areas that are difficult to access, such as containers and ship spaces.
Meer Info
Hoe werkt het?
First download: Origineel Model
Replace my '.YTD' files with the old files
GTA IV Sprinter: BG88
GTA V Conversion: DyVerze
Accesoires and lights: DyVerze
Back Interior: Prio1Gaming
The Cobra system is a cold-cutting, high-pressure extinguishing system that is used from the outside for fires in areas that are difficult to access, such as containers and ship spaces.
Meer Info
Hoe werkt het?
First download: Origineel Model
Replace my '.YTD' files with the old files
GTA IV Sprinter: BG88
GTA V Conversion: DyVerze
Accesoires and lights: DyVerze
Back Interior: Prio1Gaming
首次上传时间: 2019年10月30日
最后更新时间: 2019年11月01日
最后下载: 1天前