  • Default

    Running into an issue where my saved vehicles despawn. Basically I spawned and saved a fire engine at the Sandy fire station and then spawned and saved my volunteer truck nearby. Drove to my "house" and waited for a call. When the call came, I drove to the station and got into the engine, responded and handled the emergency. When I returned I parked it, got out and the moment I got back into my volunteer truck the engine despawned from the world. It had the saved vehicle icon and everything. I don't know what could have caused it, they were properly saved as personal vehicles. I don't want to have to respawn vehicles especially when I want it to be realistic. Any help?

  • Default

    @Wederr123 I know I'm crazy late to reply but all you gotta do is go to the agency.xml file in the LSPDFR folder and where the (Fire) version of the LSFD is located you'll see "FIRETRUK" listed. Essentially replace the name of the vehicle to whatever the pack calls the one you want and that's it. If you want more than one potential vehicle used by the FD, copy and paste the lines as much as you want. Be sure to throw in the chance flag, make sure the total is 100%. If not the LSPDFR mod will not load and you'll have to fix it.
